paintball Peintobōru


paintball = Peintobōru

Pronunciation =  paintball

Pronunciation in Japanese = ペイントボール

paintball in Japanese: Peintobōru

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a game that simulates military combat; players on one team try to eliminate players on the opposing team by shooting capsules of paint at them 

Definition in Japanese: 軍事戦闘をシミュレートするゲーム。あるチームのプレーヤーは、ペイントのカプセルを撃って相手チームのプレーヤーを排除しようとします

Examples in English:

  • when can we start the next paintball game?

Examples in Japanese:

  • 次のペイントボールゲームはいつ開始できますか?

Synonyms of paintball

Synonyms in Japanese NA
Synonyms in English NA

Antonyms of paintball

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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