papyrus papiro


papyrus = papiro

Pronunciation =  papyrus

Pronunciation in Spanish = papiro

papyrus in Spanish: papiro

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: paper made from the papyrus plant by cutting it in strips and pressing it flat; used by ancient Egyptians and Greeks and Romans 

Definition in Spanish: papel hecho de la planta de papiro cortándolo en tiras y aplanándolo; utilizado por los antiguos egipcios y griegos y romanos

Examples in English:

  • A remarkable papyrus recently acquired by the museum

Examples in Spanish:

  • Un papiro notable adquirido recientemente por el museo

Synonyms of papyrus

Synonyms in Spanish NA
Synonyms in English egyptian paper reed,

Antonyms of papyrus

Antonyms in Spanish NA
Antonyms in English NA

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