parquet Yosegi


parquet = Yosegi

Pronunciation =  parquet

Pronunciation in Japanese = 寄木細工

parquet in Japanese: Yosegi

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: seating on the main floor between the orchestra and the parquet circle 

Definition in Japanese: オーケストラと寄木細工のサークルの間のメインフロアの座席

Examples in English:

  • All rooms are bright and airy with light parquet floors

Examples in Japanese:

  • すべての部屋は明るく風通しが良く、寄木細工の床が明るい

Synonyms of parquet

Synonyms in Japanese 寄木細工の床、床、床タイル
Synonyms in English parquet floor, flooring, floor tiles

Antonyms of parquet

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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