peace Hépíng


peace = Hépíng

Pronunciation =  peace

Pronunciation in Chinese = 和平

peace in Chinese: Hépíng

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: He apologised in an effort to make peace 

Definition in Chinese: 他为维护和平而道歉

Examples in English:

  • the state prevailing during the absence of war

Examples in Chinese:

  • 在没有战争的情况下盛行的国家

Synonyms of peace

Synonyms in Chinese 安静,平静,安详
Synonyms in English quiet, calm, serenity, calmness

Antonyms of peace

Antonyms in Chinese 战争,痛苦, 动荡,暴力
Antonyms in English war, agony, distress, unrest, violence

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