pearly Zhēnzhū bān de

Zhēnzhū bān de

pearly = Zhēnzhū bān de

Pronunciation =  pearly

Pronunciation in Chinese = 珍珠般的

pearly in Chinese: Zhēnzhū bān de

Part of speechAdjective 

Definition in English: of a white the color of pearls

Resembling pearl or pearls; clear; pure; transparent; iridescent; as, the pearly dew or flood. 

Definition in Chinese: 珍珠般的白色

类似珍珠或珍珠的; 清除; 纯的; 透明的; 虹彩; 如珍珠般的露水或洪水。

Examples in English:

  • Her teeth were pearly white and surrounded by full lips

Examples in Chinese:

  • 她的牙齿洁白如珍珠,被丰满的嘴唇包围着

Synonyms of pearly

Synonyms in Chinese 乳白色
Synonyms in English milky

Antonyms of pearly

Antonyms in Chinese 乏味的
Antonyms in English dull

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