pecan Hútáo


pecan = Hútáo

Pronunciation =  pecan

Pronunciation in Chinese = 胡桃

pecan in Chinese: Hútáo

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: smooth brown oval nut of south central United States

tree of southern United States and Mexico cultivated for its nuts 

Definition in Chinese: 美国中南部光滑的棕色椭圆形坚果


Examples in English:

  • Cause I made some organic pecan pancakes and

Examples in Chinese:

  • 因为我做了一些有机山核桃煎饼和

Synonyms of pecan

Synonyms in Chinese NA
Synonyms in English NA

Antonyms of pecan

Antonyms in Chinese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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