pendant colgante


pendant = colgante

Pronunciation =  pendant

Pronunciation in Spanish = colgante

pendant in Spanish: colgante

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: A hanging ornament on roofs, ceilings, etc., much used in the later styles of Gothic architecture, where it is of stone, and an important part of the construction. There are imitations in plaster and wood, which are mere decorative features.

an adornment that hangs from a piece of jewelry (necklace or earring) 

Definition in Spanish: Adorno colgante en tejados, techos, etc., muy utilizado en los estilos posteriores de la arquitectura gótica, donde es de piedra, y parte importante de la construcción. Hay imitaciones en yeso y madera, que son meros elementos decorativos.

un adorno que cuelga de una pieza de joyería (collar o arete)

Examples in English:

  • A gold pendant gleamed at her throat

Examples in Spanish:

  • Un colgante de oro brillaba en su garganta.

Synonyms of pendant

Synonyms in Spanish medallón
candelabro, pendiente
Synonyms in English locket

Antonyms of pendant

Antonyms in Spanish NA
Antonyms in English NA

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