penny Yī fēn qián

Yī fēn qián

penny = Yī fēn qián

Pronunciation =  penny

Pronunciation in Chinese = 一分钱

penny in Chinese: Yī fēn qián

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: a fractional monetary unit of Ireland and the United Kingdom; equal to one hundredth of a pound

a coin worth one-hundredth of the value of the basic unit 

Definition in Chinese: 爱尔兰和英国的分数货币单位; 等于百分之一磅


Examples in English:

  • A penny saved is a penny earned

Examples in Chinese:

  • 节省一分钱就是赚一分钱

Synonyms of penny

Synonyms in Chinese
Synonyms in English cent

Antonyms of penny

Antonyms in Chinese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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