pepper Koshō


pepper = Koshō

Pronunciation =  pepper

Pronunciation in Japanese = こしょう

pepper in Japanese: Koshō

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: A well-known, pungently aromatic condiment, the dried berry, either whole or powdered, of the Piper nigrum. 

Definition in Japanese: よく知られている、刺激的な芳香の調味料である、パイパーニグラムの乾燥ベリー(全体または粉末)。

Examples in English:

  • Grind some black pepper over the salad

Examples in Japanese:

  • サラダの上に黒こしょうを挽く

Synonyms of pepper

Synonyms in Japanese 唐辛子
Synonyms in English capsicum

Antonyms of pepper

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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