perambulate recorrer


perambulate = recorrer

Pronunciation =  perambulate

Pronunciation in Spanish = recorrer

perambulate in Spanish: recorrer

Part of speechVerb 

Definition in English: To walk through or over; especially, to travel over for the purpose of surveying or examining; to inspect by traversing; specifically, to inspect officially the boundaries of, as of a town or parish, by walking over the whole line. 

Definition in Spanish: Para caminar a través o sobre; especialmente, para viajar con el propósito de inspeccionar o examinar; para inspeccionar atravesando; específicamente, para inspeccionar oficialmente los límites de, como de un pueblo o parroquia, caminando sobre toda la línea.

Examples in English:

  • We perambulate here almost every night

Examples in Spanish:

  • Nosotros recorrer aquí casi todas las noches.

Synonyms of perambulate

Synonyms in Spanish paseo
Synonyms in English stroll
walk about

Antonyms of perambulate

Antonyms in Spanish correr
Antonyms in English run

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