pew Pyū


pew = Pyū

Pronunciation =  pew

Pronunciation in Japanese = ピュー

pew in Japanese: Pyū

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: Any structure shaped like a church pew, as a stall, formerly used by money lenders, etc.; a box in theater; a pen; a sheepfold. 

Definition in Japanese: 以前は金貸しなどが使用していた、屋台としての教会の会衆席のような形をした構造物。 劇場の箱; ペン; 羊小屋。

Examples in English:

  • Right church, wrong pew

Examples in Japanese:

  • 正しい教会、間違ったピュー

Synonyms of pew

Synonyms in Japanese ベンチ
Synonyms in English bench

Antonyms of pew

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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