pharmacokinetics Yakubutsu dōtai

Yakubutsu dōtai

pharmacokinetics = Yakubutsu dōtai

Pronunciation =  pharmacokinetics

Pronunciation in Japanese = 薬物動態

pharmacokinetics in Japanese: Yakubutsu dōtai

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: the study of the action of drugs in the body: method and rate of excretion; duration of effect; etc. 

Definition in Japanese: 体内での薬物の作用の研究:排泄の方法と速度; 効果の持続時間; 等

Examples in English:

  • IT and intravenous pharmacokinetics data are summarised below

Examples in Japanese:

  • ITおよび静脈内薬物動態データを以下に要約します

Synonyms of pharmacokinetics

Synonyms in Japanese 薬力学
Synonyms in English pharmacodynamics

Antonyms of pharmacokinetics

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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