playa Puraya


playa = Puraya

Pronunciation =  playa

Pronunciation in Japanese = プラヤ

playa in Japanese: Puraya

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: an area of flat, dried-up land, especially a desert basin from which water evaporates quickly. 

Definition in Japanese: 平坦で乾燥した土地の領域、特に水が急速に蒸発する砂漠の盆地。

Examples in English:

  • Playa has a small fishing port

Examples in Japanese:

  • プラヤには小さな漁港があります

Synonyms of playa

Synonyms in Japanese ビーチ
Synonyms in English beach

Antonyms of playa

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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