pluviophile pluviophile


pluviophile = pluviophile

Pronunciation =  pluviophile

Pronunciation in French = pluviophile

pluviophile in French: pluviophile

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days. 

Definition in French: quelqu’un qui trouve la joie et la tranquillité d’esprit pendant les jours de pluie.

Examples in English:

  • A pluviophile never feels gloomy when it rains but finds joy and happiness!

Examples in French:

  • Un pluviophile ne se sent jamais sombre quand il pleut mais trouve joie et bonheur !

Synonyms of pluviophile

Synonyms in French NA
Synonyms in English NA

Antonyms of pluviophile

Antonyms in French ombrophobe
Antonyms in English ombrophobe

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