potassium Kariumu


potassium = Kariumu

Pronunciation =  potassium

Pronunciation in Japanese = カリウム

potassium in Japanese: Kariumu

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: a soft silver-white metal that exists mainly in mixtures (compounds) which are used in industry and farming 

Definition in Japanese: 産業や農業で使用される混合物(化合物)に主に存在する柔らかい銀白色の金属

Examples in English:

  • It is slightly soluble in potassium sulphide.

Examples in Japanese:

  • 硫化カリウムにわずかに溶ける。

Synonyms of potassium

Synonyms in Japanese 金属元素。
Synonyms in English metallic element.

Antonyms of potassium

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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