potentiometer Diànwèi qì

Diànwèi qì

potentiometer = Diànwèi qì

Pronunciation =  potentiometer

Pronunciation in Chinese = 电位器

potentiometer in Chinese: Diànwèi qì

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: The potentiometer is an instrument used for measuring the unknown voltage by comparing it with the known voltage. 

Definition in Chinese: 电位器是一种通过将未知电压与已知电压进行比较来测量未知电压的仪器。

Examples in English:

  • The potentiometer is set up so that it gives a positive voltage

Examples in Chinese:

  • 电位器的设置使其提供正电压

Synonyms of potentiometer

Synonyms in Chinese 电压调节器
Synonyms in English voltage regulator

Antonyms of potentiometer

Antonyms in Chinese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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