poultry Kakin


poultry = Kakin

Pronunciation =  poultry

Pronunciation in Japanese = 家禽

poultry in Japanese: Kakin

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: birds, for example chickens, ducks, etc. that are kept for their eggs or their meat 

Definition in Japanese: 卵や肉のために飼われているニワトリ、アヒルなどの鳥

Examples in English:

  • Cattle and poultry are the principal classes of live stock.

Examples in Japanese:

  • 牛と家禽は家畜の主要な種類です。

Synonyms of poultry

Synonyms in Japanese ニワトリ
Synonyms in English barnyard fowls
domestic fowl
domesticated birds

Antonyms of poultry

Antonyms in Japanese 飼いならされていない鳥
Antonyms in English non domesticated bird

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