pout Juē


pout = Juē

Pronunciation =  pout

Pronunciation in Chinese = 

pout in Chinese: Juē

Part of speechVerb 

Definition in English: to push your lips, or your bottom lip, forward to show that you are annoyed about something or to look 

Definition in Chinese: 将你的嘴唇或下唇向前推,以表明你对某事感到恼火或看

Examples in English:

  • Children sometimes pout when they don’t get their way

Examples in Chinese:

  • 孩子们有时在不按自己的方式行事时会噘嘴

Synonyms of pout

Synonyms in Chinese 生闷气
Synonyms in English sulk

Antonyms of pout

Antonyms in Chinese 咧嘴一笑
Antonyms in English grin

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