pout kuchi wo togaraseru

kuchi wo togaraseru

pout = kuchi wo togaraseru

Pronunciation =  pout

Pronunciation in Japanese = 口をとがらせる

pout in Japanese: kuchi wo togaraseru

Part of speechVerb 

Definition in English: to push your lips, or your bottom lip, forward to show that you are annoyed about something or to look 

Definition in Japanese: 唇または下唇を前に押し出し、何かに腹を立てていることを示したり、見たりする

Examples in English:

  • Children sometimes pout when they don’t get their way

Examples in Japanese:

  • 子供は思い通りにならないと口をとがらせることがあります

Synonyms of pout

Synonyms in Japanese 不機嫌になる
Synonyms in English sulk

Antonyms of pout

Antonyms in Japanese ニヤニヤ
Antonyms in English grin

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