pre-war Zhàn qián

Zhàn qián

pre-war = Zhàn qián

Pronunciation =  pre-war

Pronunciation in Chinese = 战前

pre-war in Chinese: Zhàn qián

Part of speechAdjective 

Definition in English: existing, occurring, or built before a war. 

Definition in Chinese: 战前存在、发生或建造的。

Examples in English:

  • The tourist industry is recovering to pre-war levels.

Examples in Chinese:

  • 旅游业正在恢复到战前水平。

Synonyms of pre-war

Synonyms in Chinese 内战前
Synonyms in English pre-Civil War

Antonyms of pre-war

Antonyms in Chinese 战后
Antonyms in English After War
Post war

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