press prensa


press = prensa

Pronunciation =  press

Pronunciation in Spanish = prensa

press in Spanish: prensa

Part of speechNoun


Definition in English: 1. newspapers and the journalists who work for them

2. what or the amount that is written about somebody/something in newspapers

3. to push something firmly

4. to put weight onto something, for example in order to get juice out of it 

Definition in Spanish: 1. periódicos y los periodistas que trabajan para ellos

2. qué o la cantidad que se escribe sobre alguien/algo en los periódicos

3. empujar algo con firmeza

4. poner peso sobre algo, por ejemplo para sacarle jugo

Examples in English:

  • You must press this button to start the radio.

Examples in Spanish:

  • Debe presionar este botón para iniciar la radio.

Synonyms of press

Synonyms in Spanish empujar
Synonyms in English push

Antonyms of press

Antonyms in Spanish jalar
Antonyms in English pull

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