prewash prélavage


prewash = prélavage

Pronunciation =  prewash

Pronunciation in French = prélavage

prewash in French: prélavage

Part of speechNoun


Definition in English: a preliminary wash, especially one performed as part of a cycle in an automatic washing machine.

give a preliminary wash to. 

Definition in French: un prélavage, notamment effectué dans le cadre d’un cycle en machine à laver automatique.

donner un lavage préliminaire à.

Examples in English:

  • Prewash a sweater before wearing it.

Examples in French:

  • Prélavez un pull avant de le porter.

Synonyms of prewash

Synonyms in French NA
Synonyms in English NA

Antonyms of prewash

Antonyms in French Post-lavage
Antonyms in English Post-wash

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