prince Ōji


prince = Ōji

Pronunciation =  prince

Pronunciation in Japanese = 王子

prince in Japanese: Ōji

Part of speechNoun



Definition in English: noun: a male member of a royal family other than the sovereign (especially the son of a sovereign)

adjective: The chief of any body of men; one at the head of a class or profession; one who is preeminent; as, a merchant prince; a prince of players.

verb: To play the prince. 

Definition in Japanese: 名詞:主権者以外の王室の男性(特に主権者の息子)

形容詞:男性の体の長。 クラスまたは職業のトップに1人。 抜群の人。 として、商人の王子; プレイヤーの王子。


Examples in English:

  • A prince earns esteem by undertaking great enterprises

Examples in Japanese:

  • 王子は偉大な事業を行うことで尊敬を集めます

Synonyms of prince

Synonyms in Japanese 支配者、王、皇帝、主権者
Synonyms in English ruler, king, emperor, sovereign

Antonyms of prince

Antonyms in Japanese 王女
Antonyms in English princess

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