pronounce Hatsuon suru

Hatsuon suru

pronounce = Hatsuon suru

Pronunciation =  pronounce

Pronunciation in Japanese = 発音する

pronounce in Japanese: Hatsuon suru

Part of speechVerb 

Definition in English: speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way 

Definition in Japanese: 特定の方法で話す、発音する、または発声する

Examples in English:

  • Actually it’s an initialism, but how do you pronounce it?

Examples in Japanese:

  • 実際、頭字語ですが、どのように発音しますか?

Synonyms of pronounce

Synonyms in Japanese 発声、明瞭化
Synonyms in English utter, articulate, speak, vocalize

Antonyms of pronounce

Antonyms in Japanese 静かに、言葉を失い、沈黙する
Antonyms in English be quiet, be speechless, be silent

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