prosthodontics prosthodontie


prosthodontics = prosthodontie

Pronunciation =  prosthodontics

Pronunciation in French = prosthodontie

prosthodontics in French: prosthodontie

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: the branch of dentistry concerned with the design, manufacture, and fitting of artificial replacements for teeth and other parts of the mouth. 

Definition in French: la branche de la dentisterie concernée par la conception, la fabrication et l’ajustement de prothèses artificielles pour les dents et d’autres parties de la bouche.

Examples in English:

  • Dr Wilson is a specialist in prosthodontics.

Examples in French:

  • Le Dr Wilson est spécialiste en prosthodontie.

Synonyms of prosthodontics

Synonyms in French médecine dentaire
Synonyms in English prosthodontia
dental medicine

Antonyms of prosthodontics

Antonyms in French NA
Antonyms in English NA

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