reckless imprudente


reckless = imprudente

Pronunciation =  reckless

Pronunciation in Spanish = imprudente

reckless in Spanish: imprudente

Part of speechadjective 

Definition in English: marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences 

Definition in Spanish: Marcada por desafiante desprecio por el peligro o las consecuencias (feminine)
Marcado por desafiante desprecio por el peligro o las consecuencias (masculine)

Examples in English:

  • We can’t afford a reckless move right now

Examples in Spanish:

  • No podemos permitirnos un movimiento imprudente en este momento

Synonyms of reckless

Synonyms in Spanish descuidado, irreflexivo, imprudente. imprudente, impulsivo, irresponsable
Synonyms in English careless, thoughtless, rash. imprudent, impulsive, irresponsible

Antonyms of reckless

Antonyms in Spanish prudente, cauteloso, cuidadoso, responsable
Antonyms in English prudent, cautious, careful, responsible

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