rephrase Iikaeru


rephrase = Iikaeru

Pronunciation =  rephrase

Pronunciation in Japanese = 言い換える

rephrase in Japanese: Iikaeru

Part of speechVerb 

Definition in English: express (an idea or question) in an alternative way, especially for the purpose of clarification. 

Definition in Japanese: 特に明確にする目的で、別の方法で(アイデアまたは質問を)表現する.

Examples in English:

  • Rephrase the statement so that it is clear

Examples in Japanese:

  • 明確になるようにステートメントを言い換える

Synonyms of rephrase

Synonyms in Japanese 言い換え
Synonyms in English reword

Antonyms of rephrase

Antonyms in Japanese 見積もり
Antonyms in English quote

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