royal Oshitsu


royal = Oshitsu

Pronunciation =  royal

Pronunciation in Japanese = 王室

royal in Japanese: Oshitsu

Part of speechAdjective 

Definition in English: of or relating to or indicative of or issued or performed by a king or queen or other monarch 

Definition in Japanese: 王または女王または他の君主の、またはそれらに関連する、またはそれらを示す、または発行または実行された

Examples in English:

  • Do they acknowledge the legitimacy of the royal family?

Examples in Japanese:

  • 彼らは王室の正当性を認めていますか?

Synonyms of royal

Synonyms in Japanese 雄大な、高貴な、主権のある、壮大な、王様の、壮大な
Synonyms in English majestic, noble, sovereign, grand, kingly, magnificent

Antonyms of royal

Antonyms in Japanese 普通の、低く、平凡な
Antonyms in English ordinary, common, lowly, mediocre

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