saved salvado


saved = salvado

Pronunciation =  saved

Pronunciation in Spanish = salvado

saved in Spanish: salvado

Part of speechAdjective 

Definition in English: rescued; especially from the power and consequences of sin 

Definition in Spanish: rescatado; especialmente del poder y las consecuencias del pecado

Examples in English:

  • He said my invention saved the town

Examples in Spanish:

  • Dijo que mi invento salvó la ciudad

Synonyms of saved

Synonyms in Spanish rescatado, retenido, redimido, conservado
Synonyms in English rescued, retained, redeemed, preserved, conserved

Antonyms of saved

Antonyms in Spanish Perdida, arruinada, destruida, no salva (feminine)
Perdido, arruinado, destruido, no salvo (masculine)
Antonyms in English lost, ruined, destroyed, unsaved

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English is one of the most widely spoken languages across the globe and a common language of choice for people from different backgrounds trying to communicate with each other. This is the reason why English is the second language learned by most of the people.

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