- അവൻ ടീമുമായി ആശയങ്ങൾ പങ്കുവച്ചു
Synonyms of shared
Synonyms in Malayalam | പങ്കിടുക, വിതരണംചെയ്യുക, ഒരുമിച്ചു, പൊതുവായി, കൂടിച്ചേർന്ന് |
Synonyms in English | divided distributed mutual common joint |
Antonyms of shared
Antonyms in Malayalam | സമാനമില്ലാത്ത, വ്യത്യസ്തമായ, വേർതിരിക്കുക |
Antonyms in English | unshared separate undivided |
About English Malayalam Dictionary
Malayalam is a Dravidian language spoken across the Indian state of Kerala by the Malayali people and it is one of 22 scheduled languages of India. Malayalam has evolved from Tamil belongs to old folklore. Some consider Malayalam as the west-coast dialect of Tamil. As a result of significant progress made in the language, Malayalam is now an independent Dravidian language, not a dialect of Tamil. Use the app to better your English conversation skills.