star Hoshi


star = Hoshi

Pronunciation =  star

Pronunciation in Japanese = 

star in Japanese: Hoshi

Part of speechnoun

Definition in English: a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun
(of a film, play, or other show) have (someone) as a principal performer 

Definition in Japanese: 太陽のような大きくて離れた白熱体である夜空の固定された輝点

Examples in English:

  • She saw a shooting star.

Examples in Japanese:

  • 彼女は流れ星を見た。

Synonyms of star

Synonyms in Japanese 天体、有名人、ヒーロー
Synonyms in English celestial body, heavenly body, celebrity, hero

Antonyms of star

Antonyms in Japanese 誰も、マイナーで、普通の人、鈍い
Antonyms in English nobody, minor, common man, dull

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