swivel pivot


swivel = pivot

Pronunciation =  swivel

Pronunciation in French = pivot

swivel in French: pivot

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: to turn around a central point in order to face in another direction: 

Definition in French: pour tourner autour d’un point central pour faire face dans une autre direction:

Examples in English:

  • Dad bought a swivel chair for mom so that she can sit comfortably.

Examples in French:

  • Papa a acheté une chaise pivotante pour maman afin qu’elle puisse s’asseoir confortablement.

Synonyms of swivel

Synonyms in French tourner,
Synonyms in English revolve, spin, turn

Antonyms of swivel

Antonyms in French rester,
Antonyms in English remain, stay, steady

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