terrorism Kǒngbù zhǔyì

Kǒngbù zhǔyì

terrorism = Kǒngbù zhǔyì

Pronunciation =  terrorism

Pronunciation in Chinese = 恐怖主义

terrorism in Chinese: Kǒngbù zhǔyì

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature 

Definition in Chinese: 有计划地对平民使用暴力(或暴力威胁),以实现政治、宗教或意识形态方面的目标

Examples in English:

  • Terrorism is never excusable

Examples in Chinese:

  • 恐怖主义永远不可原谅

Synonyms of terrorism

Synonyms in Chinese 暴力,
Synonyms in English violence,

Antonyms of terrorism

Antonyms in Chinese 和平,
Antonyms in English peace,

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