thick Hòu de

Hòu de

thick = Hòu de

Pronunciation =  thick

Pronunciation in Chinese = 厚的

thick in Chinese: Hòu de

Part of speechAdjective 

Definition in English: not thin; of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions 

Definition in Chinese: 不薄 从一个表面到相对表面的特定厚度或相对较大的范围,通常以三个实体尺寸中的最小尺寸为准

Examples in English:

  • A thick cloud of black smoke billowed from the top

Examples in Chinese:

  • 浓浓的黑烟从顶部滚滚而来

Synonyms of thick

Synonyms in Chinese 稠密,
Synonyms in English dense,

Antonyms of thick

Antonyms in Chinese
Antonyms in English thin

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