thick grueso


thick = grueso

Pronunciation =  thick

Pronunciation in Spanish = grueso

thick in Spanish: grueso

Part of speechAdjective 

Definition in English: not thin; of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions 

Definition in Spanish: no delgado de un espesor específico o de una extensión relativamente grande de una superficie a la opuesta, generalmente en la más pequeña de las tres dimensiones sólidas

Examples in English:

  • A thick cloud of black smoke billowed from the top

Examples in Spanish:

  • Una espesa nube de humo negro se elevó desde la cima

Synonyms of thick

Synonyms in Spanish denso,
Synonyms in English dense,

Antonyms of thick

Antonyms in Spanish delgada (feminine)
delgado (masculine)
Antonyms in English thin

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