thus de este modo

de este modo

thus = de este modo

Pronunciation =  thus

Pronunciation in Spanish = de este modo

thus in Spanish: de este modo

Part of speechAdverb 

Definition in English: In this manner 

Definition in Spanish: De esta manera

Examples in English:

  • To grow to a merchantable size, thus reducing the time to the next rotation.

Examples in Spanish:

  • Crecer hasta un tamaño comercializable, reduciendo así el tiempo hasta la siguiente rotación.

Synonyms of thus

Synonyms in Spanish entonces
como esto
como sigue
como se demuestra
como se muestra
Synonyms in English so
like this
as follows
like that
as demonstrated
as shown

Antonyms of thus

Antonyms in Spanish contradictoriamente al contrario contrastantemente conflictivamente contrastivamente
Antonyms in English contradictorily

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English is one of the most widely spoken languages across the globe and a common language of choice for people from different backgrounds trying to communicate with each other. This is the reason why English is the second language learned by most of the people.

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