triglycerides Chuuseishibou


triglycerides = Chuuseishibou

Pronunciation =  triglycerides

Pronunciation in Japanese = 中性脂肪

triglycerides in Japanese: Chuuseishibou

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: Plural for a lipid is a fatty substance, like oil, that includes phosphatide 

Definition in Japanese: 脂質の複数形は、ホスファチドを含む油のような脂肪物質です。

Examples in English:

  • High triglycerides, which often go along with obesity and diabetes, tend to be a stronger risk factor in women than men.

Examples in Japanese:

  • 高中性脂肪は肥満や糖尿病を伴うことが多く、男性よりも女性の方が強い危険因子となる傾向があります。

Synonyms of triglycerides

Synonyms in Japanese 脂質
Synonyms in English lipids

Antonyms of triglycerides

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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