triplicate Yīshì sān fèn

Yīshì sān fèn

triplicate = Yīshì sān fèn

Pronunciation =  triplicate

Pronunciation in Chinese = 一式三份

triplicate in Chinese: Yīshì sān fèn

Part of speechVerb 

Definition in English: To become three times as much or as many 

Definition in Chinese: 变得三倍或那么多

Examples in English:

  • Values are means of triplicate measures and error bars represent the standard deviations.

Examples in Chinese:

  • 值是三次重复测量的平均值,误差线代表标准偏差。

Synonyms of triplicate

Synonyms in Chinese 三倍
Synonyms in English triple

Antonyms of triplicate

Antonyms in Chinese 减少
Antonyms in English reduce

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