vegetables Yasai


vegetables = Yasai

Pronunciation =  vegetables

Pronunciation in Japanese = 野菜

vegetables in Japanese: Yasai

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: A plant used or cultivated for food for man or domestic animals, as the cabbage, turnip, potato, bean, dandelion, etc.; also, the edible part of such a plant, as prepared for market or the table. 

Definition in Japanese: キャベツ、カブ、ジャガイモ、豆、タンポポなど、人間または家畜の食物として使用または栽培されている植物。 また、市場や食卓用に準備された、そのような植物の食用部分。

Examples in English:

  • Include lots of green leafy vegetables and sweet juicy fruits

Examples in Japanese:

  • 緑の葉野菜と甘いジューシーな果物をたくさん含める

Synonyms of vegetables

Synonyms in Japanese 野菜
Synonyms in English veggies, greens

Antonyms of vegetables

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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