what Was


what = Was

Pronunciation =  what

Pronunciation in German = Was

what in German: Was

Part of speechPronoun 

Definition in English:
asking for information specifying something, or asking for further information about the identity or categorization of something  

Definition in German: nach Informationen fragen, die etwas spezifizieren, oder nach weiteren Informationen über die Identität oder Kategorisierung von etwas fragen

Examples in English:

  • What are you doing?

Examples in German:

  • Was machen Sie?

Synonyms of what

Synonyms in German Welche
Synonyms in English anything, everything

Antonyms of what

Antonyms in German NA
Antonyms in English despite, regardless of

About English German Dictionary

An English – German Dictionary is an essential tool that gives you instant access to over thousands of word definitions, phrases, idiomatic expressions, slang and specialized vocabulary in German and English. It is framed from bespoke text written by experienced German and English language experts using databases of authentic languages. What’s more, you can simply click on a word, to find out its synonyms, hear its pronunciation, conjugate it, or add another known meaning to the dictionary.

About English Language

English is one of the most widely spoken languages across the globe and a common language of choice for people from different backgrounds trying to communicate with each other. This is the reason why English is the second language learned by most of the people.

About the German Language

German is a West Germanic language mainly spoken in Central Europe, is the most widely spoken and official or co-official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and the Italian province of South Tyrol.

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