Any programming courses for 8 year old kids?

Introduction: In today’s world of rapidly developing technology, programming is no longer a science for the elite. It has become a vital skill for everyone to learn, adults and kids alike. Teaching children basic programming, especially from a young age, opens up an entire world of opportunities for them to thrive and succeed.  Learning how to…

How to help poor kids with their education?

Introduction A huge disparity can be seen in terms of the social, financial, educational, and even emotional well-being of children in society today. On one hand, we see children who are well-nourished, taken good care of, loved and protected at homes, taught well in the most prestigious schools, and on the other hand there are…

Is the world ready to accept a virtual classroom for kids?

Is the world ready to accept a virtual classroom for kids? I would say that, as there is no possible option to learn offline from school and colleges in times of pandemic, one cannot deny from accepting a virtual classroom for kids because a pandemic like the one we are facing today is the deadliest…

How do online classes hamper children’s growth?

How do online classes hamper children’s growth? The widespread incidence of coronavirus has resulted in a shift toward online lessons by schools, universities, and coachings, among others. Although online programmes were previously available in many areas, COVID-19 has cleared the door for a new style of teaching across the country through online classes. Almost all…

How to teach my nursery kids online?

How to teach my nursery kids online? The COVID-19 pandemic has caused school closures all over the world. With over 1.2 billion children out of school and only about 861 million children learning from home, parents all across the world have been forced to assume the job of a teacher’s support in addition to their…