German language belongs to the West Germanic group of the Indo-European language family. German when compared with other languages such as Mandarin Chinese, Korean etc is a very simple and easy to learn language. It will not be wrong to consider German as one of the simplest languages to learn, I mean it is not complex, the words and letters are easy to understand and learn. It does not have complex characters or pronunciations. One of the major languages of the world, German is a native language to almost 100 million people worldwide and is spoken by a total of over 130 million people.
A lot of times, learners know the right words but still end up being misunderstood, the main reason behind this is maybe the word is right but you are not speaking it right. Pronouncing a word correctly is a part of improving your accent. It becomes a great deal while communicating with natives. Hence it is extremely important to master your oral German too.
Ways to improve your oral German
1. Listen and listen
In order to understand the pronunciation of a word, and how it is used in a sentence or with other words is very important. Listening becomes the key thing to do while practicing or learning a new accent. You can listen to lessons, children’s stories, songs, etc. this will help you get a hang on the pronunciation of various words. However, if you are an english speaker you will find it very easy to understand German as both the languages are very similar.
2. Read out loud
Reading will help you improve your speaking skills. It will not only improve your pronunciation, but also help you increase your speed in the language. Keep re reading books, stories and simpler stuff that will help you speak faster and fluently.
3. Prepare beforehand
A lot of new learners, struggle with speaking skills and often fall short of words while conversing. To avoid this situation you can prepare your answers beforehand and practice them thoroughly. This way you will have a prior idea of what words you can use in a conversation and understand and practice how it is said.
4. Practice a lot
Practicing is very very important in getting the accent right as just listening and not practicing will not get you anywhere. Once you start speaking you will understand the technicalities of the language better and will help you speak better. Try imitating traditional speakers of the language, that way you will understand the pronunciations better. Another important thing to do while practicing is recording yourself. It is important to record yourself so that you can compare your skills with a native speaker and understand where you are going wrong and what you are saying correctly. Moreover it will also help you with your body language. Body language also plays an important role in building confidence while speaking.
These were a few things that can help you reach your goal of improving your oral German. Different learners will experience different difficulties, but the technicalities behind learning to speak German is very less. It is one of the simplest languages spoken all over the world. And a bit of practice can easily lead you to your foals of acing the tongue.