How much do we know about Sanskrit?
“Sanskrit is an old-world language which thrives in India to a small scale even today.”
Is this all about Sanskrit?
If this had been the case, would Sanskrit not have gone extinct many centuries back?
How is it that it is thriving and the number of its learners and speakers is increasing significantly throughout the world even today?
All these questions definitely hint at something.
What is it that they are hinting at?
At the fact that Sanskrit holds significance even in today’s world and there is something about it that the whole world is admiring!
Sanskrit: Mother of Languages
Yes, Sanskrit is rightly called the mother of many languages. Its influence has been recorded in texts and scriptures of languages spoken far and wide. Let us see a few examples of the same:
- Sanskrit is related to Greek and Latin: there are many similarities in phonetics, grammar, and script.
- There are similarities in Sanskrit and other European languages like German, too.
- Sanskrit inscriptions, manuscripts, or its remnants, including some of the oldest known Sanskrit written texts, have been discovered in dry deserts and in high mountainous terrains such as in Nepal, Tibet, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan.
- Some Sanskrit texts and inscriptions have been discovered in Korea and Japan, also.
- Significant collections of Sanskrit manuscripts and inscriptions have been found in China (particularly the Tibetan monasteries), Myanmar, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia.
- The Indonesian language of Javanese and Malaysia’s Malay language also show a history of Sanskrit influence.
- Scholars believe that language spoken in the Philippines has a minor Sanskrit influence, as well.
- Sino-Tibetan languages such as Telugu have hints of Sanskrit vocabulary.
Sanskrit is being taught all over the world
Sanskrit is taught in 14 Universities throughout Germany.
Courses in Sanskrit are offered in at least four universities in the United Kingdom.
Many educational organizations across the United States of America, Australia, and New Zealand offer Sanskrit as a subject in academics.
Sanskrit has even reached many other countries, and the number of its learners is increasing gradually, day – by – day.
Why do you think this is so?
Had Sanskrit been the language only to be used in ceremonies or religious rituals in Hinduism, do you think it would have reached anywhere beyond India?
No, it is because Sanskrit is the answer to many questions pertaining to the fields of medicine, human behaviour, technology upgradation, etc!
Don’t believe me?
Just read the following:
- Some of the earliest discoveries in mathematics, astronomy, science, surgery, medicine, sociology, politics and economics have been written in the Sanskrit language.
- Reciting ancient Sanskrit mantras sharpen one’s memory and cognitive skills.
- Sanskrit shlokas and mantras are also used as speech therapy for individuals with speaking disorders. The pronunciations of Sanskrit words are so clear that facial muscles and vocal cords receive maximum exercise, and feel relaxed and easy.
- Because of its strict grammar rules, Sanskrit is considered the best language for natural language processing.
- Sanskrit is the most ancient language which was used by sages in various fields such as astronomy, medicine, mathematics, astrology, etc.
- As per the view of NASA scientists, Sanskrit is considered the language most appropriate for developing programs in Artificial Intelligence, since its grammar is rule or formula bound and totally logical, and is, therefore, perfect to write algorithms.
- The Government of India has proposed to set up the Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation (IITI) which will have a focus on Sanskrit and other India Languages, as per the New Education Policy approved by the Cabinet. These steps taken by the Government of India are increasing the number of job opportunities for Sanskrit Scholars.
Is Sanskrit worth learning?
In view of the above-mentioned points, you must have realized why Sanskrit is gaining increasing importance in the world. The benefits of learning Sanskrit are gradually being learned and accepted throughout the world.
I believe your question “Is Sanskrit worth learning?” has now received a satisfactory answer.
If you are planning to learn Sanskrit and wondering where to learn it from, here is a solution:
An Online Sanskrit learning course!
One can take lessons in Sanskrit from a Sanskrit expert or a professional Sanskrit trainer from any location-based in any corner of the world through the medium of online audio-visual learning sessions. In an online Sanskrit class, all the parameters of Sanskrit learning are paid equal attention to. Right from learning the letters in the Sanskrit alphabet to understanding the complex text or scriptures, everything is taught thoroughly, in detail. Listening and understanding Sanskrit speech, speaking Sanskrit, reading Sanskrit and comprehending the content, and writing the Sanskrit script, every aspect of Sanskrit is developed in a comprehensive manner. Regular practice sessions, pre – in – post-session assignments help a student assess his or her progress day–by–day. A learner can ask questions pertaining to the lessons, and get the doubts cleared during the sessions themselves. This ensures overall development in language skills within a stipulated time period.
Planning to set on the enlightening journey of learning Sanskrit?