feud Fehde


feud = Fehde

Pronunciation =  feud

Pronunciation in German = Fehde

feud in German: Fehde

Part of speechnoun

Definition in English: a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute 

Definition in German: ein längerer und erbitterter Streit oder Streit

Examples in English:

  • His long-standing feud with his grandfather caused issues in the family.

Examples in German:

  • Seine langjährige Fehde mit seinem Großvater verursachte Probleme in der Familie.

Synonyms of feud

Synonyms in German Streit,
Synonyms in English conflict, war, broil, grudge

Antonyms of feud

Antonyms in German Übereinstimmung,
Antonyms in English agreement, accord, calm, concord

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