netizen Wǎngmín


netizen = Wǎngmín

Pronunciation =  netizen

Pronunciation in Chinese = 网民

netizen in Chinese: Wǎngmín

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a computer user who uses the internet; someone who explores cyberspace 

Definition in Chinese: 使用互联网的计算机用户;探索网络空间的人

Examples in English:

  • Netizen actively seek to make the internet a better place.

Examples in Chinese:

  • 网民积极寻求让互联网变得更美好。

Synonyms of netizen

Synonyms in Chinese 网友
Synonyms in English cybercitizen,
internet user

Antonyms of netizen

Antonyms in Chinese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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