retreat battre en retraite

battre en retraite

retreat = battre en retraite

Pronunciation =  retreat

Pronunciation in French = battre en retraite

retreat in French: battre en retraite

Part of speechVerb

Definition in English: (of an army) withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or after a defeat.

an act of moving back or withdrawing. 

Definition in French: (d’une armée) se retirer des forces ennemies en raison de leur supériorité ou après une défaite.

action de reculer ou de se retirer.

Examples in English:

  • A brave retreat is a brave exploit.

Examples in French:

  • Une retraite courageuse est un exploit courageux.

Synonyms of retreat

Synonyms in French se désister
se retirer
Synonyms in English withdraw
draw back
pull back
pull out
fall back

Antonyms of retreat

Antonyms in French avance
Antonyms in English advance

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