royal Royal


royal = Royal

Pronunciation =  royal

Pronunciation in French = Royal

royal in French: Royal

Part of speechAdjective 

Definition in English: of or relating to or indicative of or issued or performed by a king or queen or other monarch 

Definition in French: d’un roi ou d’une reine ou d’un autre monarque

Examples in English:

  • Do they acknowledge the legitimacy of the royal family?

Examples in French:

  • Reconnaissent-ils la légitimité de la famille royale?

Synonyms of royal

Synonyms in French majestueux, noble, souverain, grandiose, royal, magnifique
Synonyms in English majestic, noble, sovereign, grand, kingly, magnificent

Antonyms of royal

Antonyms in French ordinaire, commun, humble, médiocre
Antonyms in English ordinary, common, lowly, mediocre

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