wanderer vagabond


wanderer = vagabond

Pronunciation =  wanderer

Pronunciation in French = vagabond

wanderer in French: vagabond

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction 

Definition in French: se promener lentement d’une manière détendue ou sans but ni direction clairs

Examples in English:

  • He had become a wanderer in search of peace.

Examples in French:

  • Il était devenu un vagabond en quête de paix.

Synonyms of wanderer

Synonyms in French errant
Synonyms in English traveller, tourist, adventurer

Antonyms of wanderer

Antonyms in French habitant
Antonyms in English denizen, inhabitant, Habitant, dweller, settler, homebody, resident.

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