accreditation accréditation


accreditation = accréditation

Pronunciation =  accreditation

Pronunciation in French = accréditation

accreditation in French: accréditation

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: the action or process of officially recognizing someone as having a particular status or being qualified to perform a particular activity. 

Definition in French: l’action ou le processus de reconnaissance officielle d’une personne comme ayant un statut particulier ou étant qualifiée pour exercer une activité particulière.

Examples in English:

  • The college was given full accreditation in 1965

Examples in French:

  • Le collège a reçu l’accréditation complète en 1965

Synonyms of accreditation

Synonyms in French sanction,
Synonyms in English sanction, certificate, pass, guarantee

Antonyms of accreditation

Antonyms in French déni,
Antonyms in English denial, prohibition, veto, break

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