alibi Aribai


alibi = Aribai

Pronunciation =  alibi

Pronunciation in Japanese = アリバイ

alibi in Japanese: Aribai

Part of speechnoun

Definition in English: a claim or piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, typically a criminal one, is alleged to have taken place
provide an alibi for 

Definition in Japanese: 行為、通常は犯罪行為が行われたと主張されたときに、他の場所にいたという主張または証拠の一部

Examples in English:

  • She had a good alibi.

Examples in Japanese:

  • 彼女は良いアリバイを持っていた。

Synonyms of alibi

Synonyms in Japanese 不在証明
Synonyms in English defence, plea, justification, shield

Antonyms of alibi

Antonyms in Japanese 尋問
Antonyms in English interrogate

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